fMRI: Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Signal

This note discussed the Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) signal, the basis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Basic Principles:

  • Our brains have capillaries, arteries, and veins supplying oxygenated blood.

  • During rest, a steady ratio of oxygenated vs. deoxygenated hemoglobin exists.

  • Active brain regions require more oxygen for processing, leading to a local increase in deoxygenated hemoglobin.

  • Deoxygenated hemoglobin disrupts the magnetic field compared to oxygenated hemoglobin. fMRI Signal Measurement:

  • Radio waves nudge protons in the brain, causing them to precess (spin).

  • Relaxation time is measured - the time it takes for protons to return to alignment.

  • T2* relaxation reflects local magnetic field variations caused by oxygenation levels.

  • BOLD fMRI measures changes in T2* relaxation to indirectly assess brain activity.

BOLD Signal :

BOLD fMRI and Oxygen Depletion

  • Astrocytes absorb oxygen to replenish oxygen and glucose metabolism in firing cells.
  • Hemoglobin dephasing, caused by oxygen absorption, changes the MRI signal.
  • Deoxygenated blood causes more signal distortion than oxygenated blood.
  • BOLD signal allows us to infer brain activity by detecting changes in oxygenation.

The Hemodynamic Response Function

  • Brain activation initially reduces the MRI signal due to oxygen depletion.
  • Blood supply increases in response to activation, causing the BOLD signal to rise.
  • When the stimulus stops, oxygenation and the MRI signal overshoot and then undershoot before returning to baseline.
  • This entire cycle is called the hemodynamic response function.

BOLD fMRI Does Not Measure Neural Activity Directly

  • BOLD fMRI measures metabolic demands, specifically oxygen consumption of active neurons.
  • The hemodynamic response function reflects the change in the fMRI signal triggered by neural activity.

Physiological Basis of the BOLD Signal

  • Action potentials in presynaptic terminals cause neurotransmitter release.
  • Neurotransmitters bind to postsynaptic ion channels, allowing ions to flow into the cell.
  • Astrocytes reuptake glutamate and pump out ions to restore ionic gradients.
  • These processes require glucose and oxygen, hence the BOLD signal.

BOLD Signal and Correlation with Neuronal Activity

Previous Thought:

  • BOLD signal was believed to correlate with the number of action potentials.
  • Studies combined BOLD activation in monkeys with single-cell recording of action potentials.

Recent Findings:

  • Logothetis et al. (2001) conducted a more extensive study using BOLD signals and electrophysiological data.

  • They measured:

    • Multi-unit activity (MUA) - activity from multiple neurons.
    • Local field potentials (LFPs) - summation of postsynaptic potentials reflecting overall neuronal activity.
  • BOLD signal showed the strongest correlation with LFPs, not MUA or action potential count.

  • A follow-up study showed a close match between predicted BOLD signal based on LFPs and the actual BOLD response. Interpretation:

  • BOLD activity likely reflects synaptic input and information processing within a neural population.

  • BOLD is more closely related to LFPs than action potentials or MUA.


  • Correlation between BOLD and LFPs is not perfect.
  • BOLD should not be considered a direct measure of LFPs.


  • BOLD signal reflects changes in blood oxygenation due to neural activity.
  • LFPs provide a better representation of local neuronal activity than BOLD signal.
  • BOLD signal can be used to estimate local field potentials and neuronal activity indirectly.
  • fMRI utilizes 3D BOLD signal measurements to create activation maps of brain function.

Summary of BOLD fMRI

  • Neural activation removes oxygen from blood to support local cognitive processing.
  • This changes the magnetic properties of the blood.
  • Influx of oxygenated blood further changes magnetic properties.
  • BOLD signal reflects these magnetic property changes, which correlate with local field potentials and neuronal activity.
  • By measuring BOLD signal in 3D, we can generate activation maps of brain activity.