Brain Structure and Function

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF):

  • Black part indicated by arrow
  • Protects the brain from trauma by acting as a cushion.
  • Provides nutrients to the brain.
  • Helps remove waste products.

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Grey Matter:

  • Contains neuronal cell bodies responsible for information processing.
  • Determines whether or not a signal is sent to the next cell.

White Matter:

  • Consists of axon fibers that transmit information between brain regions.

  • Major bundles include:

    • Anterior cingulate cortex (left-right hemisphere communication)
    • Posterior cingulate cortex (left-right hemisphere communication)
    • Corpus callosum (major left-right hemisphere communication bundle)

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Primary Motor Cortex:

  • Located in the dorsal frontal lobe.
  • Plans and executes movements.
  • Cortical neurons send long axon down the spinal cord to initiate muscle movements.
  • Orderly somatotopic organization:
    • Foot and leg area - medial and most middle
    • Hand, face, tongue - more lateral

Primary Somatosensory Cortex:

  • Receives sensory input from the entire body.
  • Orderly somatotopic organization based on receptor density:
    • Face, lips, eyes - larger cortical representation
    • Shoulder, torso - smaller cortical representation


  • Relays sensory and motor information throughout the brain.
  • Regulates sleep and consciousness.
  • Left thalamus receives sensory information from the right side of the body.
  • Left motor cortex controls movement on the right side of the body (contralateral control).

Visual Cortex:

  • Processes visual features like orientation, motion, and color.

  • Organized by visual field:

    • Right visual field processed by left hemisphere
    • Left visual field processed by right hemisphere
  • Further subdivided for complex processing:

    • V1: primary visual cortex (initial processing)
    • Dorsal stream (V2, MT, MST, Parietal regions): processes where and how an object is moving
    • Ventral stream (V2, V4, medial temporal lobe): processes what an object is


  • Coordinates posture, balance, and movement smoothness.
  • May also play a role in cognition (unclear).


  • The brain is composed of specialized regions with distinct functions.
  • These regions work together to allow us to perceive and interact with the world.
  • Next lecture: higher cognitive functions like language, memory, and attention.