
  • The human brain is vastly different from the brains of simpler animals like sharks and alligators.
  • This difference is due to the expansion of the telencephalon, specifically the cerebral cortex.

The Telencephalon

  • The telencephalon is the part of the forebrain that is responsible for higher-order functions like learning, memory, and thought.
  • In humans, the telencephalon is the largest part of the brain.
  • The expansion of the telencephalon is what allows humans to have complex behavior.

The Cerebral Cortex

  • The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the telencephalon.
  • It is made up of six layers of neurons and is only found in mammals.
  • The cerebral cortex is responsible for most of the higher-order functions of the brain.
  • The large surface area of the cerebral cortex is due to the presence of sulci (folds(valleys)) and gyri (convolutions(hills)).


  • Microcephaly is a condition in which the baby is born with a small head and brain.
  • It can be caused by a variety of factors, including the Zika virus.
  • The severity of microcephaly depends on when during gestation the infection occurs.

Additional Notes

  • The lecture mentions that the neural tube forms by day 28 of human gestation.
  • The lecture also mentions that the Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus.


  • The expansion of the telencephalon, particularly the cerebral cortex, is what allows humans to have complex behavior and is the foundation of our intelligence.

Hine brain = Cerebellum + Medulla + Pons Mid brain = small Diencephalon = small ( has optical nerves) Telencephalon = right & left ( biggest - envelops the rest of the brain)

Two Forebrain Tracks