Neural Tube Formation Lecture Notes


This lecture discusses how the neural plate, a sheet of cells in the early embryo, transforms into the neural tube, the precursor to the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS stretches from the brain to the spinal cord. Neurulation Process

  1. Folding: The central portion of the neural plate folds upwards, creating a neural fold (or neural groove).

  2. Invagination: The neural folds continue to fold inwards until they nearly touch in the midline, forming an omega shape.

  3. Tube Formation: The neural folds fuse together to form a hollow tube, the neural tube.

  4. Neural Crest Cells: The wings on either side of the neural plate, called neural crests, remain separate and will contribute to the peripheral nervous system and other structures.

  5. Closure: The neural tube closure begins in the middle (neck region) and zips up towards the head (anterior neuropore) and down towards the tail (posterior neuropore).


  • Day 21: Neural fold formation begins.
  • Day 28: Neural tube closure is complete.
  • Entire process takes about a week.

Additional Points

  • After the neural tube forms, other tissues like skin, muscle, and bone develop around it for protection.
  • Failure of proper neural tube closure can lead to neural tube defects.

Next Steps

The lecture will explore potential problems that can arise during neural tube closure.

Neural Tube Closure Problem