I. Introduction

II. Defining Self-Generated Movements (Acknowledging Debate)

  • The lecturer acknowledges the philosophical aspect of defining “self-generated movements.”
  • Movements initiated by the spinal cord and brainstem (reflexes, stereotyped movements) are excluded due to their lower-level processing.
  • Self-generated movements (Lecturer’s Definition): Movements initiated by the forebrain, a higher brain region responsible for conscious thought and planning. This definition is open to debate.

III. Types of Self-Generated Movements (To be covered later)

  1. Volitional Movements:

    • Deliberate and intentional movements (e.g., raising your hand to answer a question).
  2. Emotional Movements:

    • Movements driven by emotions (e.g., flinching away from a loud noise).

IV. Other Brainstem Movements

  • Orienting Movements:
    • Involuntary head or eye movements in response to stimuli (e.g., looking at a sound source).
    • Example: The dog (Tula) in the video orienting its head towards a sound.