Lecture Notes: Paired Vestibular End Organs

I. Semicircular Canals as Yoked Pairs

  • The three pairs of semicircular canals detect yaw, pitch, and roll rotations.
  • The horizontal canals (one on each side) are a yoked pair.
  • During head rotation in the yaw plane, one canal gets excited and the other gets inhibited (they cannot be stimulated equally).
  • The same principle applies to the anterior and posterior canals (another yoked pair) in the plane of nodding.

II. Alcohol Intoxication and Sensory Mismatch

  • Alcohol affects the cupula in the canals, making it lighter and more buoyant.
  • The floating cupula can stimulate hair cells in abnormal patterns on both sides.
  • This abnormal stimulation creates a signal that doesn’t correspond to real physical movement.

III. Sensory Mismatch Hypothesis and Nausea

  • The brain interprets the mismatch in signals from the vestibular system as a sign of ingesting something toxic.
  • This triggers nausea and vomiting as a way to expel the potential poison.

IV. Next Steps