Growth Hormone

  • Production: Controlled by the hypothalamus, growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland.
  • Release pattern: Typically released in pulses during sleep, stimulating growth until the end of adolescence.

Growth Hormone Disorders

  • Pituitary tumors: Can lead to overproduction of growth hormone.
    • Gigantism: Excessive growth before puberty.
    • Acromegaly: Abnormal growth of hands, feet, and facial features after puberty.
  • Acromegaly symptoms: Gradual onset over about 12 years, characterized by:
    • Increased chest size
    • Enlarged brow and lower jaw
    • Underbite
  • Treatment challenges:
    • Pituitary gland’s location at the base of the brain makes surgery difficult.
    • Accidental damage to other pituitary cells can cause severe side effects like insatiable appetite.