Declarative Memory: Two Types

  • Semantic memory: General knowledge, facts, and concepts.
    • Examples: George Washington was the first president, the meaning of “multiple.”
  • Episodic memory: Personal experiences and events.
    • Examples: Autobiographical memories, specific events.

Episodic to Semantic Shift

  • Storytelling and memory: Repeated retelling of an episodic memory can transform it into a semantic memory.
  • Loss of detail: Semantic memories lack the specific context and sensory information of episodic memories.
  • Example: A family story about a child’s mischievous behavior evolves from a detailed recollection to a shared anecdote.

Key Points:

  • Semantic and episodic memories are distinct types of declarative memory.
  • Episodic memories can degrade into semantic memories over time through repeated retelling.

Nature of Episodic memory