Neurons and Electrical Signals

Ions and Membranes:

  • Neurons use ions (charged molecules) instead of electrons for electrical signals.
  • Ions can be positively charged (e.g., potassium K+) or negatively charged (e.g., chloride Cl-).
  • The cell membrane is a fatty layer that acts as a barrier for ions.
  • Ion channels are special openings in the membrane that allow specific ions to pass through.

Ion Distribution and Resting Potential:

  • Ions have a chemical force (like a dye) that pushes them to distribute evenly across the membrane.
  • The cell interior is negatively charged, while the exterior is close to neutral (grounded).
  • This creates an electrical force attracting positively charged ions inside the cell.
  • A balance between chemical and electrical forces determines the resting membrane potential (around -70 to -60 millivolts).

Key Points:

  • Neurons use a special system with ions and channels for electrical signaling.
  • The cell membrane plays a crucial role in controlling ion flow.
  • Resting potential is a delicate balance between opposing forces.

Electrical Terms Analogy: Water and Neurons

This lecture uses a water analogy to explain electrical terms in the context of neurons:

  • Potential: Similar to water level, it represents the “voltage” difference between two points. No difference, no flow (current).
  • Current: The flow of water (charged ions in neurons) driven by the potential difference. Higher potential difference (waterfall) creates a stronger current.
  • Resistance: 

Key Points in Neurons:

  • Potential difference: Measured in millivolts (mV), it exists between the inside and outside of the cell (around -65 mV).
  • Ion channels: These are openings in the membrane that allow charged ions (current carriers) to move in and out of the cell.
  • Resistance: The cell membrane itself has resistance to the flow of ions, which can be influenced by the number of open ion channels.
  • Action Potential
  • Neurotransmitter Synthesis
  • Signal Termination