Eye Movements: Beyond the Vestibulo-ocular Reflex (VOR)

This lecture explores eye movements beyond the VOR (Vestibulo-ocular reflex), which stabilizes gaze during head movements.

  • Cancelling the VOR: We can override the VOR to maintain fixation on a target while moving our head. This gaze control is crucial for clear vision.
  • The Ocular Motor Field: This field of study investigates how the nervous system controls eye movements for precise visual acuity.
  • Eye Movements and Perception: Eye movements not only serve a physiological purpose but also reveal information about a person’s state and attention.
    • Gaze control: Focused gaze in someone like Toula (example in video) suggests intentness.
    • Social interaction: Shifty eyes or maintaining eye contact communicate different social cues.
    • Neuropsychiatric conditions: Eye movements can be affected in various conditions like depression (difficulty making eye contact) and autism (altered scanning patterns).

Global vs. Local Processing:

The example of the illusory H (made of Es) demonstrates how eye movements influence perception:

  • Looking at the entire image (global processing) leads to perceiving an H.
  • Focusing on individual components (local processing) reveals the Es.

Next Lecture:

The next lecture will delve deeper into saccades, the primary eye movement for shifting gaze.
