Emergence of Intelligence

  • Intelligence is an emergent property of the cerebral cortex.
  • Traditional concept of a single “g” factor for general intelligence is being challenged.
  • Current understanding leans towards multiple intelligences arising from both cerebral and cerebellar cortex.
  • Cerebellum crucial for fine-tuned motor skills like dance, music, and athletics.

Intelligence and Development

  • Ability to develop intelligence occurs throughout life.
  • Intellectual disability affects approximately 5% of the population, a significantly higher rate than other neurological disorders.

Causes of Intellectual Disability

  • Inherited: Fragile X Syndrome, Down Syndrome
  • Environmental: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Genetic: Phenylketonuria (PKU) - inability to process an amino acid

Misconceptions About Brain Structure and Intelligence

  • Belief that smaller or smoother brains lead to intellectual disability is incorrect.
  • Some intellectual disabilities are associated with larger-than-average brains (e.g., autism, Fragile X Syndrome).

Complexities of Intellectual Disability

  • Intellectual disability not solely due to brain size, neuron count, or other single factor.
  • Issues can arise from misdirected dendrites, misaligned synapses, or incorrect connections.
  • Intriguing aspect: individuals with intellectual disabilities can excel in specific areas (e.g., savant syndrome).
  • Savant syndrome demonstrates that intelligence is multifaceted and not uniformly impaired.