Lecture Notes: The Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR)

I. Importance of Steady Gaze

  • Gaze stability is crucial for maintaining a clear visual picture during head movements.
  • Gaze is determined by both head and eye orientation.
  • The vestibular system plays a key role in keeping gaze steady.

II. The Vestibuloocular Reflex (VOR)

  • The VOR is a reflex that keeps gaze stable during head movements.
  • It acts very quickly due to the fast response time of the vestibular system.
  • VOR dysfunction can cause the world to appear shaky during head movements.

III. Observing the VOR

  • You can observe the VOR by focusing on your finger and shaking your head side-to-side. Your finger should remain in focus.
  • Moving your finger back and forth will not activate the VOR as effectively, and your focus will be less stable.

IV. Importance of the VOR

  • The VOR is essential because the visual system is too slow to react effectively to head movements.
  • Without the VOR, our vision would be blurry during any head movement.

V. Example: Taking a Picture on a Boat

  • Imagine trying to take a picture on a boat without the VOR. The swaying of the boat would constantly disrupt your aim.

VI. The VOR in Action

  • During head movements, the VOR signals the eyes to move in the opposite direction to maintain a steady gaze.

VII. Next Steps

  • The lecture will explore the neural circuitry of the VOR. Horizontal VOR